“I’m concerned about you experiencing “pill mixture side-effects” taking this many pills with your prescription medications and insulin.” I told her...
"I have a much easier way for you to effectively control your blood sugar."
“I know you can feel better at a much lower cost... so here is what I’d like you to do...”
I outlined a few small changes for her, including switching her to the “all-in-one” blood glucose formula I liked to use that is custom formulated to improve beta cell function.
It delivers exactly what her ailing pancreas needs to get rid of built-up toxins, aid in rebuilding dysfunctional beta cells and improving insulin sensitivity.
It contains the perfect blend of 10 fruit and flower extracts and 10 essential vitamin and mineral support to properly nourish the beta cells inside her pancreas.
The nutrients would allow the beta cells to repair themselves so they could start producing more insulin, and be more sensitive to insulin changes in the bloodstream like they were meant to be.
On her next appointment with me, she HAD LOST 10 POUNDS!
After her exam and new blood tests, I smiled at her improved A1C test results.
I complimented her on her improvements.
She smiled and said, “I’m feeling so much better now thanks to you.”
“My fatigue is gone and I’m getting up feeling much more energetic now.”
“My daughter let the grandkids stay overnight since I’ve been feeling so much better.
“I can’t thank you enough for giving me my life back”.
She had been able to keep her blood sugar in the high 90s and sometimes even down to the mid 80s.
The change in her was astonishing and all she did was stop taking a bag of low-quality supplements... and simply added this all-in-one blood glucose supplement.
Although individual results will vary, this one thing helped her more effectively manage her blood sugar with less insulin and it saved her some money too.
Her blood pressure had dropped to near normal allowing her to stop taking her high-pressure meds too.
She had finally found a doctor who listened to what she had to say... and I gave her what she wanted and needed... and I can do the same for you too.